Wind (current)

49 Raptors...YTD...3569..Perched Merlin

Today the winds were weak, which caused alot of high Sharpshinned Hawks. We did see a few low ones to keep things interesting.  Walter and I were glad to host Ron, Mark, Cori, Ann, Norm, Jack, Kate and Denney today. Thanks to Norm and Ron for treats and coffees.
  7 more Peregrine Falcons went by, raising our seasons total to 75. 5 more Merlins were seen including one that landed in the park briefly. It caused a real stir. I got these shots of it before it carried on.
Our total of 49 raptors consisted of:
1-Northern Harrier
30-Sharpshinned Hawks
2-Coopers Hawks
1-Redtailed Hawk
3-American Kestrels
7-Peregrine Falcons
49-Total Raptors

We also saw several Common Loons fly over the park, a small raft of Red-breasted Mergansers, Pine Siskins, Northern Juncos, White-throated Sparrows, Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglets and a Pileated Woodpecker.(kinglet photos by Ann Brokelman)

Tomorrow is unlikely to be very busy, but Sharpshinned Hawks, a few more Peregrine Falcons and a few Osprey will probably make their way along. Keep your eyes on the weather for best chances of viewing alot of birds. There are thousands of Turkey Vultures to move, Redtailed Hawks have just begun and Red-shouldered Hawks should begin to be seen any day.

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