Thursday was a mixed bag,in the morning it was beautiful,Walter,Beryl,Carol,Pat,Nancy,Terry and I saw a few early raptors again. The skies darkened and a downpour happened about 130pm,stopping the raptors from migrating. A few low Turkey Vultures and Redtails gave us a taste of things to come. Before the deluge,which sent Walter running at full speed,which even shocked him,we saw:
Turkey Vutlures..........5
Bald Eagle...................1
Sharpshinned Hawk...2
Redtailed Hawk..........3
Peregrine Falcon........1
Season Total .............38
We also saw 3 Great Blue Herons and one Great Egret migrating. Peter was down at the park in the evening and saw 10 Common Nighthawks flying over the park in migration. Nice going Pete,generally we dont see many in daylight during raptor watch,so that was a good sighting!
Redtailed Hawk
Turkey Vulture
Angry Looking Sky