Wind (current)

Record Season Soon...YTD Totals As At Oct 31

As of October 31,Rosetta McClain Raptor Watch is very close to breaking last fall's record total of 5675 raptors identified. The October 31 running total is 5513. The break down this fall is different from last fall,with a few species up considerably and others down. This gives me great hope for future years,as if all species approach record highs,a final season total in November could be considerably higher then all previous years. A big if I know but an intriguing thought none-the-less.Turkey Vultures,Sharp-shinned Hawks,Osprey and Peregrine Falcon totals are already at record highs. Very few of any of those species are expected over the next month,while Redtailed Hawks should be the bulk of the November birds,with a smattering of Red-shouldereds,Roughlegs,Goshawks and Golden Eagles.

Year To Date Sightings
1061-Turkey Vulture
29-Bald Eagles
381-Northern Harriers
2664-Sharpshinned Hawks
77-Coopers Hawks
6-Northern Goshawks
15-Redshouldered Hawks
177-Broadwinged Hawks
466-Redtailed Hawks
2-Roughlegged Hawks
7-Golden Eagles
426-American Kestrels
68-Peregrine Falcons(plus one with tethers)
So far this fall has been a great success,not only from a numbers standpoint,but also the new folks,introduced to raptor watching and birding generally. Ive really enjoyed mentoring newer people and learning from those more experienced who have joined me this fall. Truely its been a pleasure. A reminder that bathrooms are now closed,but just a few blocks up Kingston Rd are several restaurants and coffee shops.

Nov 1 No Day Can Be All Bad When U See A Golden Eagle

Another day where we remember raptors dont read weather reports. There should have been alot more seen then was. An almost pitiful 41 raptors were observed,though we did have some very nice views of what was seen. At 12:30pm,I looked out over the lake and spotted the hoped for Golden Eagle,well enjoyed by Ron,Bruce Falls,and myself.Included are photos of A Golden Eagle(gull with it gives size perspective) and a Redtailed Hawk being harrassed by 2 of 3 American Crows. Down on the lake,a large "slick" of Long-tailed Ducks and hundreds of Common Mergansers,could be seen. Our final total today of 41 raptors consisted of:
2-Northern Harriers
5-Sharpshinned Hawks
2-Coopers Hawks
27-Red-tailed Hawks
1-Golden Eagle(12:30pm)
2-American Kestrels
1-Peregrine Falcon

Also seen today,several flocks of Eastern Bluebirds,Cedar Waxwings,Pine Siskins and a few Common Redpolls were seen,flying past or landing briefly in the park. Towards the end of the day,a Yellow-rumped Warbler was seen "hawking" bugs.
Right now Saturday looks like the next best chancce to see some raptors.

Todays Total 231..YTD...5508

Eventually today became most of what was expected of it. Early arrivals were almost ready to pack it in for the day,when around 10:30am,a few vultures and Redtails were spotted circling together. While hoped for Golden Eagles failed to appear,all gathered went home happy. We saw a Bald Eagle at 4:15pm,many Redtailed Hawks near and far as well as several close views of a Northern Goshawk,which made several passes of the park(it may hang around awhile). With 4 or 5 other Redtailed Hawks,was what we believe was a dark-morph Redtailed Hawk. Jean got her scope on it,and the shape and pattern indicated the same. A new passerine for the park was recorded and photographed..Common Redpoll,a small flock of which landed in a tree almost right beside us. The large number of friends and visitors gathered,observed 231 raptors today.
21-Turkey Vultures
1-Bald Eagle
2-Northern Harriers
12-Sharpshinned Hawks
3-Coopers Hawks
3-Northern Goshawks
2-Redshouldered Hawks
185-Redtailed Hawks
1-Roughlegged Hawk
Thanks to everyone for their contributions today. Hundreds of Mergansers were seen feeding,down at the lake today.