Mike caught this shot of a Northern Harrier as it passed by.
A very nice shot of an adult Sharpshinned Hawk by Mike.

Mike also got a shot of one of the Redtailed Hawks we saw.

We saw 2 distant Bald Eagles,one juvenile and one adult at 220pm and 345pm respectively. Our final tally of 184 raptors was made up of:

Mike also got a shot of one of the Redtailed Hawks we saw.

We saw 2 distant Bald Eagles,one juvenile and one adult at 220pm and 345pm respectively. Our final tally of 184 raptors was made up of:
109-Turkey Vulture
2-Bald Eagles(as per above)
1-Northern Harrier
50-Sharpshinned Hawk
2-Redshouldered Hawk
17-Redtailed Hawk
2-Peregrine Falcon
This puts us at just over 5500 raptors.We are 87 Sharpies short of a season record and today we went over 30000 raptors counted since the Rosetta McClain Gardens Raptor Watch started in 2004. Yeah US! The next 2 days have potential to be decent migration days again. Things start up abit later,with not alot moving before 11am.
Our special treat was the release of a wild Peregrine Falcon which had just been rehabilitated. The adult,male,tundrius specie Peregrine Falcon had collided with a building in Brampton. It didnt sustain any serious injuries but the Toronto Wildlife Centre checked it over for any injuries or problems from the impact. After cere and orbital ridge issues were healed,the Peregrine was deemed ready for release. Toronto Wildlife Centre transferred the bird to the Canadian Peregrine Foundation. Marion Nash contacted me and asked if Id be interested in a Peregrine being released at our watch?? Of course I said yes. Mark and Marion Nash arrived with the Peregrine Falcon around 2pm. Shortly after,the Peregrine was again flying the skies. He took his time leaving the box,giving those gathered a great chance for photos. He then took flight,landing briefly on the fence,before making a short flight into the park,before turning and going out over the lake. He flapped alot and "found his wings" and began to circle and climb. To our delight and amazement a 2nd Peregrine Falcon appeared and circled with him. After a short greeting,the 2 circled together and eventually continued on their way. What a thrill,honour and priviledge to be part of. Thanks to Marion Nash for suggesting Rosetta as a release site!
Marion Peeks At The Peregrine
Our special treat was the release of a wild Peregrine Falcon which had just been rehabilitated. The adult,male,tundrius specie Peregrine Falcon had collided with a building in Brampton. It didnt sustain any serious injuries but the Toronto Wildlife Centre checked it over for any injuries or problems from the impact. After cere and orbital ridge issues were healed,the Peregrine was deemed ready for release. Toronto Wildlife Centre transferred the bird to the Canadian Peregrine Foundation. Marion Nash contacted me and asked if Id be interested in a Peregrine being released at our watch?? Of course I said yes. Mark and Marion Nash arrived with the Peregrine Falcon around 2pm. Shortly after,the Peregrine was again flying the skies. He took his time leaving the box,giving those gathered a great chance for photos. He then took flight,landing briefly on the fence,before making a short flight into the park,before turning and going out over the lake. He flapped alot and "found his wings" and began to circle and climb. To our delight and amazement a 2nd Peregrine Falcon appeared and circled with him. After a short greeting,the 2 circled together and eventually continued on their way. What a thrill,honour and priviledge to be part of. Thanks to Marion Nash for suggesting Rosetta as a release site!
Marion Peeks At The Peregrine
Close to freedom
More photos will be added as I recieve them. I know Lee got some great ones she is willing to share.
Thanks to everyone at Toronto Wildlife Centre for their care of the Peregrine Falcon,to Mark and Marion Nash of the Canadian Peregrine Foundation and all the raptor watchers for making the release fun/exciting...possible.
Peregrine Release Video
Thanks to everyone at Toronto Wildlife Centre for their care of the Peregrine Falcon,to Mark and Marion Nash of the Canadian Peregrine Foundation and all the raptor watchers for making the release fun/exciting...possible.
Peregrine Release Video