This juvenile Redtail is very lightly coloured on its head.
Ann sent along this beautiful shot of a Coopers Hawk in flight. Thanks so much for all the photos you've contributed to the site Ann,its been a great interest grabber for many readers and encouraged others to join us.

This Red Fox ran through the park,it was very close to our buddy Mark. The park is part of the Foxes territory and it goes through several times a day. I was lucky enough to get a quick shot. While I was missing,recovering from a cold,Richard the head gardener from Rosetta told Walter he had seen an Oppossum walk by. I look forward to seeing it soon.
Todays count of 16 brings our current season tally to 6526.We also saw 2 White-winged Crossbills fly past quickly. American Pipets were heard. An end of season wrap up will come soon. Thanks to everyone for an enjoyable day.