Wind (current)

October 2, 2015

October 2, 2015

Northern Harrier.               1
American Kestrel.             3
Sharp-shinned hawk..       7
Turkey Vulture                   5
Merlin.                               3
Bald Eagle.                        2.   Both imm 11:35 and 12:35

Loons 5
Other Raven, E.Towhee (male and female), 4 fighter jets being refuelled.

Observers. Alison,Peter,Diane,Vicki,Dave,Theresa, ChrisTerry, Avro
UTSC Ornitholoy glass, Prof Weir, lee

Photos by Arvo
Bald Eagle

 Photo by Lee
Sharp Shinned Hawk
 Photo by Kris
Bald Eagle


Thursday Oct 1, 2015

Oct 1, 2015
        Turkey Vulture - 18
        Osprey - 1
        Bald Eagle - 4
       Northern Harrier - 0
       Sharp-shinned Hawk - 10
       Cooper's Hawk - 0
       Red-tailed Hawk - 1
       Golden Eagle - 0
       American Kestrel - 1
       Merlin - 2
       Peregrine Falcon - 0
       Total - 37

People:  Allison, Betty, Kevin Hugh, Arvo, Beryl, Janina, Ron, Dave, Lee Ann and Cory.

Sept 30, 2015 A great day

Today:  Sept 30, 2015

Turkey Vulture - 185
Osprey - 6
Bald Eagle - 26
Northern Harrier - 21
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 99
Cooper's Hawk - 1
Red-tailed Hawk - 9
Golden Eagle - 1
American Kestrel - 21
Merlin - 3
Peregrine Falcon - 4
Total - 376

To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 189
Osprey - 88
Bald Eagle - 49
Northern Harrier - 111
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 2021
Cooper's Hawk - 12
Northern Goshawk - 0
Red-shouldered Hawk - 0
Broad-winged Hawk - 88
Red-tailed Hawk -20
Rough-legged Hawk - 0
Golden Eagle - 1
American Kestrel - 267
Merlin - 71
Peregrine Falcon - 22
Total - 2939

Eagle Time (DST):
10:07am - BE (imm)
10:35am - BE (imm)
11:11am - BE (imm)
11:14am - BE (adult)
11:14am - BE (imm)
11:30am - BE (adult)
11:42am - BE (imm)
12:14pm - BE (imm)
12:23pm - BE (imm)
12:25pm - BE (adult)
12:28pm - BE (imm)
12:45pm - BE (imm)
12:45pm - BE (imm)
12:49pm - BE (imm)
12:58pm - BE (imm)
12:58pm - BE (imm)
1:16pm - BE (adult)
1:42pm - BE (adult)
1:55pm - BE (adult)
2:55pm - BE (imm)
3:05pm - BE (imm)
3:05pm - BE (imm)
3:05pm - BE (imm)
3:15pm - BE (imm)
3:20pm - GE (imm)
3:30pm - BE (imm)
3:30pm - BE (imm)

Blue Jays - 1000's
Loons - 17

Monarch - very few
Swallowtail - 1
Orange Sulphur - 1

Nothing of note

Hawk Watchers:
Pat and Nancy, Bruce, Ann, Betty, Terry, Allison, Peter, Dave, Norm, Carol, Theresa, Manny, Berle, Arvo, Vicki, Diane, Kris, (sorry if we forgot you)  Ann

one of many bald eagles (Ann)

Two of many turkey vultures (Ann)

One of many Northern Harriers (Ann)

Sharp Shinned Hawk (Ann)

Adult Peregrine Falcon with pigeon in talons (Ann)

Two more bald eagles

The hawk crew today.  Waves for Walter.

Yellow Bellied Flycatcher

Red Start



As most of you already know, Walter wasn’t feeling well last week.  Monday morning he was taken to the hospital by ambulance and was unable to speak.  We were worried that he had a stroke, but doctors believe he has encephalitis.  He started speaking Monday night and I (and many others) also spoke to him on the phone Tuesday morning.  He sounded really good but will be in hospital a while longer.  In the meantime, we are carrying on with the raptor watch.  If you can get to the park, please do so and let me know what you saw.  You know how it goes, we need the type of bird of prey and the number you saw.  Any other items such as butterflies, different types of birds, mammals and names of other people at the watch will help.  As well, if you have photos you can send them along.  My email address is  "sammielee at (replace AT with @)"

We may not be as timely with the blog reports as Walter is but we’ll get to it as soon as we can!  

Right now, the easiest way to stay in touch with your fellow raptor watchers is on the Facebook group.  The direct link is and if you haven’t joined yet, it will prompt you to do so. 


Sept 29,2015

While Walter is away posts may be shorter than normal.  We can catch up later.

Sept 29, 2015

Hawks 0
Monarchs 35
Cabbage whites 11

Hawkwatchers:  Lee, Terry, Avro

Winds Wed are NNE and broken cloud.  May be a lot better.  The raptors must be stopped up so they will have to let loose soon.
