The following is a review of what happened during our time at the hawk watch...
Turkey Vulture (2719) - Our 2nd best year ever for this species. October was our second best month ever for 'TVs' with a count of 2515 birds. Our highest
day count for the season occurred on October 17th when we observed 1134
Osprey (94) - Our 7th best year ever for this species. Our highest day count for the season occurred on September 11th
when we observed 10 birds. Our latest date for this species occurred on November 4th - breaking our previous record by 2 days.
Bald Eagle (70) - Our 4th best year ever for this species. Our highest day count for the
season occurred on September 30th when we observed 26 birds - only 2 birds shy of a new record. Our latest date for this species occurred on November 28th - breaking our previous record by 4 days.
Northern Harrier (205) - Our 7th best year ever for this
species. Our highest day count for the season occurred
on September 30th when we observed 21 birds. Our latest date for this species occurred on November 28th - tying our previous record.
Sharp-shinned Hawk (2733) - Our 3rd best count ever for this species - only 65 birds away from being our 2nd highest count! September was our 3rd
best month ever for 'sharpies' missing a new high count by only 49
birds. Our highest day count for the season occurred on September 14th
when we observed 253 birds.
Cooper's Hawk (55) - Our 11th best count ever for this species. Our highest day count for the season occurred on
October 17th when we observed 6 birds.
Northern Goshawk (6) - Our 10th best count ever for this
species. Our highest day count for the season was 1 on 6 separate dates.
Red-shouldered Hawk (41) - Our 3rd best year ever for this species. October was our 3rd best month
ever for 'shoulders' with a count of 39 birds. Our highest day
count for the season occurred on October 25th when we
observed 14 birds.
Broad-winged Hawk (90) - Our 9th best year ever for this species. Our highest
day count for the season occurred on September 11th when
we observed 69 birds. Our latest date for this species occurred on November 14th - breaking our previous record by 16 days!
Red-tailed Hawk (551) - Our 10th best year ever for this species. Our highest day count
for the season occurred on October 17th when we observed 130 birds.
Rough-legged Hawk (4) - Our 10th best year ever for this
species. Our highest day count for the season occurred on November 8th
when we observed 2 birds.
Golden Eagle (6) - Our 8th best year ever for this
species. Our highest day count for the season occurred on October 25th
when we observed 4 birds.
American Kestrel (302) - Our 10th best year ever for this
species. Our highest day
count for the season occurred on September 6th when we observed 51
Merlin (114) - Our 3rd best year ever for this species. September was our 2nd best
month ever for Merlin with a count of 66 birds. Our highest day count
for the season occurred on September 24th and again on October 22nd when we observed 9 birds on each day.
Peregrine Falcon (60) - Our 6th best year ever for this
species. Our highest day count for the season occurred on October 16th when we observed 9 birds.
Total Raptors (7052) - Our 3rd best year ever at Rosetta. October was our 3rd best month
ever for migrating raptors with a count of 3956 birds. Our
highest day count for the season occurred on October 17th when we
observed 1445 birds.
Species Survey - Birds (131) - Highlights included the following new species for our 'Park List' - Northern Pintail, American Golden Plover, and Tufted Titmouse. Our list of birds seen at Rosetta now sits at 210 species! Other great sightings included a lone Hooded Merganser, an adult and a juvenile Black-billed Cuckoo, and a Great Horned Owl
was a thrill for those gathered at the park to watch the solar eclipse that occurred on September 27th.
Species Survey - Mammals (10) - Nothing overly exciting was observed this year again.
Species Survey - Butterflies (22) - It's was another great season
for butterflies. Although no new species were observed, we did have a lone Spicebush Swallowtail on September 4th - a species not regularly seen in the Gardens. Our sightings of Giant Swallowtails (a recent 'Ontario' breeder) plummeted from an amazing 19 sightings last year to only 3 seen this year, all on the same day and all at the same time.
Monarch Butterfly Count (4386) - Not quite as high a count as last year but I suspect the near-complete lack of northwest wind had a big part to play in the overall low count this fall. On September 20th we observed an estimated 1500+ Monarchs flying westward. Terry and Betty, with the help of many others, managed
to capture, weigh, measure, tag, and release an amazing 306 Monarchs this season.