Wind (current)

End of October Year To Date

With the end of October,things begin to wind down. There are still many Redtailed Hawks to be seen,as today was the first big flight at large sites further southwest than Rosetta. We need winds like Oct 31 to bring us birds...a strong north element in them. Roughlegged Hawk and Golden Eagles will be seen in the coming month,though not in large numbers.
We have now topped our Osprey,Bald Eagle,Sharpshinned Hawk,American Kestrel,Merlin and Peregrine Falcon season total numbers. I suspect we will easily beat our best total for Roughlegged Hawks. Our year to date totals are as follows:
Species.................Year to Date
Turkey Vulture.........1168
Bald Eagle....................72
Northern Harrier.......311
Sharpshinned Hawk.2790
Coopers Hawk.............71
Northern Goshawk.....15
Redshouldered Hawk.10
Broadwinged Hawk...190
Redtailed Hawk........370
Roughlegged Hawk.....10
Golden Eagle................5
American Kestrel......719
Peregrine Falcon........81
YTD Total...............6109
We are having an unbelievable season. When part-time counting started in 2004 I never dreamed that we would exceed 6000 birds counted,see so many species of birds and gain such acclaim among local raptor enthusiats. Lets hope for a great November to finish off a record year.

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