Wind (current)

Month End Results...YTD...3083..New Peregrine Record

This month has been very successful, despite many days with less than optimal winds. Increased attendance has probably helped to spot several birds. We set a new one month record for Peregrine Falcon sightings, with 51. Please enjoy this short video of several birds we saw this month. Excuse my shakey camera and bear with me as Ive used a new editing program, videos will improve.

  Thanks to everyone who helped with spotting, sent photos and brought coffee,donuts(Timbits too) and pizza. Thanks to everyone for the great public relations job they do, chatting with park goers and answering their questions. It reflects very well on us as people, birders and it also helps out the parks reputation as well as the watches in general. Thanks as always to the staff and management at Rosetta McClain Gardens. The staff is very supportive at Rosetta McClain Gardens and Walter and I really couldnt do it without the help and support of  Don, Richard, Gary(the big boss), Charlene, Deb, Nash and Ron. Their many kindnesses are greatly appreciated.

The final totals as at the end of September are:
TV - 153
OS - 105
BE - 47
NH - 170
SS - 1510
CH - 41
NG - 1
RS - 0
BW - 346
RT - 76
RL - 0
GE - 0
AK - 527
ML - 55
PG - 52

TL - 3083

Lets all hope the cold north winds blow in October and November and bring us plenty of Turkey Vultures and Redtailed Hawks, along with a smattering of Roughlegged Hawks, Red-shouldered Hawks and Golden Eagles!!

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