Wind (current)

Good Count, Great Photo Ops 142 Raptors...YTD...1660

Today was a good day. We had a good turn out of birders, a beautiful day, a good count and some incredible photo ops. Paul, Betty, Sue, Cori, Berle, Theresa, Terry-2, Carol, Phil, Walter and I all spotted some birds. We had many high birds, but some fantastically low views of Bald Eagles and local Redtailed Hawks. 2 Bald Eagles circled together,giving all a thrill. In total we had 13 Bald Eagles, twice 3 at the same time. 5 of 9 we could age were adults, the other 4 being juveniles. We saw 2 Sharpshinned Hawks have a run at one another. We watched the "local Merlin" take up chasing a pigeon who evacuated more than the area during the chase! 

Bald Eagle pictures courtesy Rob Mueller Thanks much Rob!!

Once things had slowed down for the day, a group of local Redtailed Hawks joined us and put on an incredible show. 2 played and chased one another for awhile, before the local juvenile was left on his own. For most of 3 hours it performed for us. The young Redtail played in the wind alot, kitting all over the park at various times. Kitting is when a Redtail hangs in the breeze in one spot, like a kite. It just moves its tail to stay stationary in the wind. This young one was looking all over as he kitted. He made a few failed hunting attempts that we all watched in awe. We revelled in watching this youngersters antics as he played with sticks in his talons as he flew and offered photographic opportunities unlike any Ive ever had before.

Redtailed Hawks courtesy BIGFRANK

In total we saw 142 raptors consisting of:
18-Turkey Vulture
13-Bald Eagles (Adult 11:13am, 3-Adults 11:40am, 1-unknown 11:43am, 1 juvie-2unknown 12:13pm,adult 12:18pm, juvenile 12:22pm, 2 juveniles 12:59pm, 1unknown 1:09pm)
7-Northern Harriers
74-Sharpshinned Hawk
1-Coopers Hawk
14-Redtailed Hawks
12-American Kestrels
142-Total Raptors

 Northern Harrier and fighting Sharpshinned Hawks courtesy Rob Mueller


1 comment:

Lee said...

Those red-tailed hawks put on quite the amazing show today!