The morning started very slow,before the birds finally came. It was very windy and cool today. We had a real gang of visitors today,including Kathy and her husband,Lee,Anne,Carol and her son(first visit) Riel,Dave,Colin and Marguarite,Charlie,Peter and Bruce(sorry if I have missed anyone). By the end of the day we had a very respectable 47 birds of prey go past the park,including:
38-Sharpshinned Hawks
2-Redtailed Hawks
Our seasons total is now 232,which is almost 100 more then our best previous August total! Thanks to everyone for their contributions. We also saw a Northern Parula Warbler,Nashville Warbler,2 Great Egrets,a few Great Blue Herons,a few each of Great Crested Flycatchers and Baltimore Orioles.Below is a shot Lee took.

Our special visitors today were Mary West-Mortimer and Geoffry West-Mortimer,who were the last residents of the homes where Rosetta McClain Gardens is now. Their family donated the parcel of land to the city,to be a garden spot for relaxation and rest and a place of beauty. They were very pleased to hear of our watch and said they were glad the park was being used for such an activity. We informed them we have seen 185 species of birds from the park,and Mary said it was a great place to see spring Warblers. I let her know it still was and she was very pleased to know that,and that so many people were enjoying them. It was our honour to meet she and Geoffry. Before they left,I let them know one of the staff members kept some historical photos of the property and I asked permission to take a photo . They provided a way for us to contact Geoffry about filling in any blanks in the family and properties history. Thanks to the West family for their part in our having such a wonderful place to enjoy. We will do our best to bring more visitors to enjoy this marvelous treasure.
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