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Oct 6 Antisocial Raptors...Day Count 74

Though predicted conditions were perfect,apparently raptors dont watch The Weather Network. The raptors were antisocial today,not coming to see us for the most part. They stayed north of our viewing range most of the day. While our count of 74 doesnt sound bad,54 Turkey Vultures in a short period made up most of the count. They were all very distant. Almost all birds were very high. It was unfortunate,as 2 Marys,Walter,Lee,Ross and Murry searched high and low for raptors. Some did enjoy a good selection of smaller birds today. It was nice to see Bob,who joined us several times last season. He is an older gentleman who got a real spark when he joined us to watch the raptors. I packed up early after seeing:
58-Turkey Vultures
1-Northern Harrier
9-Sharpshinned Hawks
1-Coopers Hawk
3-American Kestrels

The remainder of this week,as forecast doesnt look too exciting. It is subject to many changes of course. My advice to potential visitors is to wait for better days. If however U have a limited viewing schedule,I will welcome the company.

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