Wind (current)

Sept.8 Another Good Day 119Raptors..YTD 575

Another great day of raptor watching at Rosetta McClain Gardens. Several folks joined Colin and I today,including Charlie(a frequent Cranberry Marsh attendee),Fred and young Wyatt(aged 4 and a budding birder). Sharing birds with them and several passersby made the day more enjoyable. The most noteworthy bird was a Merlin,which circled beautifully for us,making a few hunting forrays around the park,disappearing back to the east before exiting stage west. At one point it flew very near a Kestrel,giving a wonderful chance to compare,size,colouring,flight cadence and all round gist.
Kestrels were the early birds,later Sharpshinned Hawks were the prevalent bird.
------------------- Todays Totals------------YTD
Bald Eagle ........... ........1.................................10
Turkey Vulture...............0..................................9
Northern Harrier...........2...................................51
Sharpshinned Hawk.....65................................219
Coopers Hawk.............0....................................11
Broadwinged Hawk......0.....................................50
Redtailed Hawk............1....................................27
American Kestrel.........48..................................164
Peregrine Falcon...........0.......................................6

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