Wind (current)

Oct 18th - 1409 Birds, 12 Eagles.

Okay, that was better than yesterday!!!

Turkey Vulture - 1146
Bald Eagle - 9
Northern Harrier - 9
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 174
Cooper's Hawk - 4
Northern Goshawk - 1
Red-shouldered Hawk - 10
Broad-winged Hawk - 3
Red-tailed Hawk - 31
American Kestrel - 3
Merlin - 2
Peregrine Falcon - 5
Unidentified Buteo - 9
Unidentified Eagle - 3
Total - 1409

Eagle Time (EDT):
10:45am - BE
10:49am - BE
11:58am - BE
12:01pm - BE
12:08pm - BE
12:52pm - BE
01:13pm - BE
03:24pm - UE
03:38pm - UE
03:58pm - BE x2
04:40pm - UE

To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 2361
Osprey - 37
Bald Eagle - 72
Northern Harrier - 70
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 615
Cooper's Hawk - 12
Northern Goshawk - 2
Red-shouldered Hawk - 12
Broad-winged Hawk - 70
Red-tailed Hawk - 82
Rough-legged Hawk - 0
Golden Eagle - 1
American Kestrel - 192
Merlin - 19
Peregrine Falcon - 16
Unidentified Accipiter - 0
Unidentified Buteo - 26
Unidentified Eagle - 3
Unidentified Falcon - 6
Unidentified Raptor - 8
Total - 3604

Northern Goshawk (Brian)

Bald Eagle (Theresa)

 American Kestrel (Brian)

Red-shouldered Hawk (Arvo)

Bald Eagle (Theresa)

Red-shouldered Hawk (Brian)

Turkey Vulture (Theresa)

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Brian)

Turkey Vulture (Brian)

V is for Vulture Day! (Walter)

Other Birds:
50 species in and around the park according to all who reported on eBird.

Butterflies - Monarch (6), Eastern Comma (1)
Dragonflies - Green Darner

Walter, Noam, Ella, Theresa, Kris, Jennifer, Dave, Phil, Connor, Elias, Allison, Mike, Arvo, Hugh, Naish, Lynn, MC, and likely I few others that I missed.  Thankyou everyone for another amazing hawk-watching day!!!

Weather Prediction:
Wind not condusive to good hawk migration!


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