Wind (current)

Oct 17th - 86 Birds, 2 Eagles.

The wind gusts might've been a tad strong, the sky might've been a little too threatening, hard to say as it turned out to be a slow but steady day of hawk watching.  Getting 11 species didn't hurt though and kept things interesting for everyone.  With the 100% cloud cover all day of course identifying the birds was challenging at best.  Thankfully with a bit of discussion and some great photography work we managed to get by just fine and actually ended up with some nice surprises.

Turkey Vulture - 5
Bald Eagle - 2
Northern Harrier - 11
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 23
Cooper's Hawk - 1
Northern Goshawk - 1
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
American Kestrel - 35
Merlin - 1
Peregrine Falcon - 2
Unidentified Buteo - 1
Total - 86

Eagle Time (EDT):
02:20pm - BE
02:55pm - BE

To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 1215
Osprey - 37
Bald Eagle - 63
Northern Harrier - 61
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 441
Cooper's Hawk - 8
Northern Goshawk - 1
Red-shouldered Hawk - 2
Broad-winged Hawk - 67
Red-tailed Hawk - 51
Rough-legged Hawk - 0
Golden Eagle - 1
American Kestrel - 189
Merlin - 17
Peregrine Falcon - 11
Unidentified Accipiter - 0
Unidentified Buteo - 17
Unidentified Eagle - 0
Unidentified Falcon - 6
Unidentified Raptor - 8
Total - 2195

Bald Eagle (Brian)

Northern Goshawk (Brian)

Northern Harrier (Brian)

American Kestrel (Brian)

Red-shouldered Hawk (Brian)

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Brian)

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Brian)

Turkey Vulture (Brian)

Other Birds:
Merlin (local), Red-tailed Hawk (local), Common Loon, Yellow-rumped Warbler (several!), Brant (185+), Northern Shoveler (3)

Brant (Elias)

Brant (Elias)

Brant (same group) (Brian)

Dragonflies - 1

Walter, Kris, Phil, Jennifer, Connor, Terry, Elias, Dave, Peter, Arvo, Bruce M, Brian, and others.  Thankyou everyone for all your help today!

Weather Prediction:
NW wind again tomorrow but not gusting as strong.  Should be good!  A bit more sun as well.

See you at the park,

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