Osprey - 5
Bald Eagle - 1 (juvenile 10:03)
Northern Harrier - 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 30
American Kestrel - 10
Merlin - 4
Total - 51
To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 14
Osprey - 43
Bald Eagle - 20
Northern Harrier - 32
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 426
Cooper's Hawk - 10
Broad-winged Hawk - 19
Red-tailed Hawk - 4
American Kestrel - 92
Merlin - 21
Peregrine Falcon - 1
Total - 682
A distant juvenile Bald Eagle searching the lake for a fish.
A good non-raptor sighting this morning was that of a Cackling Goose which was mixed in with a small flock of 9 Canada Geese. They flew right over top of me not too high up heading westward. A Cackling Goose is a smaller version of a Canada Goose. Of the butterflies, a Black Swallowtail, Northern Crescent, and Fiery Skipper continue to be seen flying around the top edge of the bluffs and new today was an Eastern Tailed Blue.
Observers today included: Lorne, Paul, Norm, Jack, Lee, Theresa, Betty, Berle, Mike 2, Peter, Mike 3, Carol, Barb, Ken, and also today we welcomed Ama and her 2 children who were lucky enough to see one of the Osprey fly by fairly close.
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