Wind (current)

Oct.16 Good Conditions...235 Raptors First of Season Golden Eagles

Finally after several very poor days in a row,a day of almost perfect conditions. The northwest winds didnt disappoint. Today,Gunner,Andrew,Naish,Sheila,Berle,LeeWalter,Linda and Linda,Betty and myself,enjoyed many low Sharpshinned Hawks. Naish(a High Park regular) and Sheila were present when a late movement of Turkey Vultures went through the park low and very close. At 10:30am there was a Bald Eagle. Late in the day,at 3:40pm and 4:12pm the first and second Golden Eagles were seen. One was clearly juvenile,the 2nd adult. A male Harrier passed low and close,which Walter and I especially enjoyed. Another treat was 3 Merlins that moved past "together". Our total of 235 consisted of
1-Bald Eagle
96-Turkey Vultures
2-Northern Harriers
100-Sharpshinned Hawks
1-Coopers Hawk
1-Redshouldered Hawk
11-Redtailed Hawks
2-Golden Eagles
15-American Kestrels

Tomorrow looks like conditions are very good for another fine flight of raptors. Also seen today was a Pileated Woodpecker,which flew very close to us along the bluffs after briefly landing in a Maple tree.

Please note the link on the main Raptor Watch page,to a discussion board recently started to chat about not only birds of prey at Rosetta McClain Gardens,but various small birds,insects and wildlife,as well as a place for us all to stay in touch over the coming months. Lee invites us to join. Hope to see you there.

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