Wind (current)

Best Day Of Season So Far

Today's day long northwest winds,brought the best count thus far this fall. Many watchers,new and regulars enjoyed views of 136 birds. While some were painfully high,many were nice and low. Several of the Broadwinged Hawks circled at a low level allowing for great viewing and a chance to mention field marks differentiating them from Redtailed Hawks. We had a 2nd year Bald Eagle which started out over the lake and circled over us for about 10-15minutes,before eventually moving back more out over the lake and away. Many Sharpshinned Hawks provided close views,as did passing Kestrels. It was great to finally have a good day,after sitting through some less than stellar days.The final total of 136 raptors consisted of:

2-Bald Eagles(2nd year and an adult)
4-Northern Harriers
94-Sharpshinned Hawks
4-Coopers Hawks
13-Broadwinged Hawks
14-American Kestrels

Despite what appeared to be a slow start to the season,todays total brings us to within 62 of last seasons total. Tomorrow's weather isnt optimal,but once Sharpshinned Hawks decide they are going winds dont seem to matter at Rosetta.(northwest is best,but not the only wind birds are seen on). Thanks to everyone who came out today for your help spotting and for your interest. I hope to see you all out again soon.

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