Wind (current)

Sept.22 Wind Shift Day Count:67 YTD 2355

Today the weather changed,which meant a slower day. It was still a wonderful morning,with quality sightings. An Osprey went by with a fish in its tallons,the first time I had ever seen that. Of the 5 Merlins,Ron and I watched at least 2 catch dragonflys on the fly,and gulp them down,followed by dropping the wings. 3 migrating Peregrines which passed us about eyelevel were great sightings. Todays 67 birds included:
Northern Harrier..........5
Sharpshinned Hawk....31
Coopers Hawk............3
American Kestrel........14
Peregrine Falcon............3

Thanks to Ron,JeanMichael and Ziggy for joining me today and for their contributions to the count and enjoyment of the day.
Also seen today were Ruby-crowned Kinglets,Black-throated Green,Black-throated Blue and Nashville Warblers,Ovenbird,Gay-cheecked Thrush,Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,Winter Wren and Brown Creeper(mostly seen by Jean searching,while things were slow).

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