Wind (current)

Nov 28th - 16 Birds, 8 species, 1 Eagle!

Wow, not a bad day at all for this time in the migration!

Bald Eagle - 1
Northern Harrier - 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 6
Cooper's Hawk - 2
Northern Goshawk - 1
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
Peregrine Falcon - 1
Unidentified Falcon - 1
Total - 16

Eagle Time (EST):
12:57pm - BE

Other Birds:
Common Loon (5), Sandhill Crane (55), and Eastern Bluebird (1).

Bruce, Phil, Peter, Walter, Betty, Jim, and Ann.  Thank you all!!!

Weather Prediction:
Moderate N wind for Friday.  Might be good, unfortunately I may only make it out to my backyard.  Good luck if you go.


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