Wind (current)

Sep 6th - 42 Raptors!

The NE wind keep the birds up high today and cloud cover made identification challanging at times.

Osprey - 4
Bald Eagle - 11
Northern Harrier - 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 2
Broad-winged Hawk - 9
Red-tailed Hawk - 5
Golden Eagle - 1
American Kestrel - 6
Merlin - 1
Unidentified Buteo - 1
Unidentified Raptor - 1
Total - 42

To Date:
Osprey - 13
Bald Eagle - 25
Northern Harrier - 2
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 6
Broad-winged Hawk - 12
Red-tailed Hawk - 6
Golden Eagle - 1
American Kestrel - 22
Merlin - 2
Peregrine Falcon - 1
Unidentified Buteo - 1
Unidentified Raptor - 2
Total - 93

Eagle Time (EDT):
10:22am - BE - 1
10:31am - BE - 1
10:39am - BE - 1
11:10am - BE - 2
11:21am - BE - 1
01:21pm - BE - 2
03:45pm - BE - 2
03:48pm - BE - 1
??:?? - GE - 1

Other Birds:
Loons - 8
Common Nighthawk - 1

Monarchs - 12,000
Dragonflies - thousands!

Walter, Sheldon, Theresa, Sophie, Allison, Berle, Bruce F, Anthony, Chris, Terry, and Betty.  Thank you everyone!

Weather Prediction:
Similar NE wind will be blowing throughout the morning and switching to E by lunchtime.  Birds will likely be flying high again.

See you again,

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