Wind (current)

Nov 19th - The Birds Must Be Gone!

Absolutely perfect conditions all day today and no birds to speak of really!  Now, with only 11 days left to go in this year's Watch, I guess we really shouldn't be surprised.  Great conversation over coffee, hot chocolate, and Timbits really helped to keep us all happy and warm!  Thank you Betty!

Rosetta Trickle-of-Raptors, Toronto
19 November 2017
08:00am - 03:00pm

Northern Harrier - 2
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 4
Cooper's Hawk - 4
Red-tailed Hawk - 9
Total - 19

This crow was just making sure Mr. Red-tail
knew where the exit door was. (Mike)

So beautifully marked! (Mike)

an adult Cooper's Hawk (Mike)

Other Birds:
Common Loon (6), American Pipit, Short-eared Owl

Red Fox

Owen, Jack, Ella, Hugh M, Theresa, Walter, Betty, Mark, Naish, Margaret, Trudy, Lee, Allison, Sonja, Dave, Mike, another Jack, Ron, Bruce and Ann Falls, and several others.  Thankyou everyone for another fantastic day!


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