RMG Raptor Watch, Toronto
24 October 2017
10:20am - 2:20pm
Turkey Vulture - 13
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 6
Peregrine Falcon - 1
Total - 20
Apparently we're not quite done with the parade of TVs (Theresa)
Other Birds:
Common Loon - 1
Pine Siskin - 4
Monarch - 33
Theresa, Betty, and Berle
Weather Prediction:
Stay tuned folks as there may be a decent NW wind day coming in the next couple of weeks!!!
I know a few of you have been asking/wondering how the count has been going this year so here it is in all it's glory!...
To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 2516 (3rd best count in 14 years)
Osprey - 34 (14th best count in 14 years)
Bald Eagle - 64 (8th best count in 14 years)
Northern Harrier - 76 (13th best count in 14 years)
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 535 (14 best count in 14 years)
Cooper's Hawk - 32 (14th best count in 14 years)
Northern Goshawk - 0 (14th best count in 14 years)
Red-shouldered Hawk - 4 (14th best count in 14 years)
Broad-winged Hawk - 60 (11th best count in 14 years)
Red-tailed Hawk - 127 (14th best count in 14 years)
Rough-legged Hawk - 0 (14th best count in 14 years)
Golden Eagle - 1 (14th best count in 14 years)
American Kestrel - 217 (13th best count in 14 years)
Merlin - 22 (13th best count in 14 years)
Peregrine Falcon - 25 (14th best count in 14 years)
Unidentified Accipiter - 1
Unidentified Buteo - 8
Unidentified Falcon - 3
Unidentified Eagle - 0
Unidentified Raptor - 2
Total - 3727 (12th best count 14 years)
Yikes!!! Thank God for TVs and BEs! Hopefully things will pick up a little.
See you down at the fence,
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