Osprey - 5
Northern Harrier - 8
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 128
American Kestrel - 7
Merlin - 7
Total - 155
To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 4
Osprey - 72
Bald Eagle - 23
Northern Harrier - 77
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1792
Cooper's Hawk - 7
Northern Goshawk - 0
Red-shouldered Hawk - 0
Broad-winged Hawk - 87
Red-tailed Hawk - 10
Rough-legged Hawk - 0
Golden Eagle - 0
American Kestrel - 239
Merlin - 54
Peregrine Falcon - 11
Total - 2376
a near adult Sharp-shinned Hawk (Ann)
(note the 'reddish' horizontal barring on the underside and yellow coloured
eye - a full adult would have a red coloured eye)
two juvenile Sharpies (Ann)
Other Birds:
Brown Creeper - 1 in the big maple tree directly behind us
Common Loon - 6 counted today
Common Raven - 3 flying along the bluffs
Lincoln's Sparrow - 1 seen in the northwest corner
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 seen on the east side of the park
local Red-tailed Hawk (Ann)
such a thrill for many park goers (Ann)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Ann)
Monarch - 500+, my best guess as again today many were flying over the park way up high.
Hawk Watchers:
Bill, Mark, Terry, Pat & Nancy, Hugh, Judy, Arvo, Dave, Berle, Don, Ann, Betty, Cori, Carol, MC, Janina, and a few others who popped down.
Weather Prediction:
Sep 22nd - mainly sunny to sunny, E 10km/h switching to S 10km/h (theweathernetwork.com)
See you at the park,
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