Wind (current)

Oct 30th - 7 Species, 113 Birds!

Today's count was a good indication that there are still birds out there and still birds to come.  I was thinking that we'd only see small numbers of Turkey Vultures now after so many had already gone through but it looks like there are still more to come.  There must be an awful lot 'dead' food out there for them!

Like the Vultures, Red-tails also continued on their usual 'westerly' flightpath over the northeast corner of the park.  The following screen capture that I did shows the path that many of these birds take to cross the city.  Note the perfect position of the High Park hawkwatch.

Turkey Vulture - 69
Bald Eagle - 1
Northern Harrier - 3
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3
Cooper's Hawk - 5
Red-tailed Hawk - 31
Gold Eagle - 1
Total - 113

To Date:
Black Vulture - 1
Turkey Vulture - 3271
Osprey - 140
Bald Eagle - 102
Northern Harrier - 243
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3690
Cooper's Hawk - 107
Northern Goshawk - 10
Red-shouldered Hawk - 58
Broad-winged Hawk - 1418
Red-tailed Hawk - 613
Rough-legged Hawk - 5
Golden Eagle - 2
American Kestrel - 697
Merlin - 125
Peregrine Falcon - 79
Total - 10561

Eagle Time (EDT):
12:33 PM - BE
12:55 PM - GE

a young Bald Eagle (Matt)

Today's non-raptor highlights included a Great Black-backed Gull sitting out on the water and a number of Long-tailed Ducks which are now starting to arrive from the north.

Here are two great photos that Helena took today...

'Lady Bug'

'Keeping the Numbers Growing'

...she never ceases to amaze me with her work!

Dave, Matt, Ron, Rosemary, Berle, Don, Kris, Manny, John, Helena, Allison, Cori, and Lee were on-hand for some of today's action.  Thankyou everyone!

Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow (Friday) but Saturday is still looking great.


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