Wind (current)

November 7th - 5 Birds over 5 Hours!

Again not one of our better days.  The wind seemed to be blowing down from the NW but maybe it was a little too much W.  Cloud cover was good but actually maybe a little too heavy.  Who knows!

Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3
Red-tailed Hawk - 2
Total - 5

To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 1663
Osprey - 117
Bald Eagle - 103
Northern Harrier - 118
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1577
Cooper's Hawk - 43
Northern Goshawk - 6
Red-shouldered Hawk - 14
Broad-winged Hawk - 139
Red-tailed Hawk - 544
Rough-legged Hawk - 15
Golden Eagle - 2
American Kestrel - 470
Merlin - 60
Peregrine Falcon - 51
Total - 4922

Here's a couple that I got of the local Red-tailed Hawk today...

Only 134 more birds needed to hit the 50,000 mark.

Three loons were seen flying south high overhead.

Kris, Peter, Ron, Betty, Tim, Terry, Berle, and Lee out in the field all did a fine job searching the sky today.

At the time of writing the predicted weather forecast for tomorrow via the Weather Network is calling for 30 km/h NW wind with gusts up to 48 km/h.  Might be a great day!


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