Wind (current)

November 10th - Perhaps A Little Too Breezy!

Wind from the west all morning and gusting to 60+ km/h are likely the two main reasons that we didn't see any bird migration over Rosetta today.  The wind did switch to NW in the afternoon around 1:00 PM but was probably too late in the day for the birds.

Sharp-shinned Hawk - 2
Red-tailed Hawk - 1
Peregrine Falcon - 1
Total - 4

To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 1663
Osprey - 117
Bald Eagle - 104
Northern Harrier - 123
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1581
Cooper's Hawk - 47
Northern Goshawk - 6
Red-shouldered Hawk - 14
Broad-winged Hawk - 139
Red-tailed Hawk - 560
Rough-legged Hawk - 15
Golden Eagle - 3
American Kestrel - 470
Merlin - 62
Peregrine Falcon - 52
Total - 4956

All-time Count:
We now need just 100 more birds to reach 50,000!  Can we do it this year?

Here's 2 nice photos that Helena sent along...

On-hand today were: Mike 4, Phil, Elias, Mark, Helena, Betty, Carol, Pat & Nancy, Ron, and John.
Tuesday is looking like our next decent day, hope to see you at the park.  Bathrooms are now closed for the season.

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