Wind (current)

October 15th - Peregrine Falcon goes for Gold!

This morning as I was sitting and wondering if anything would fly by on the strong ESE wind an adult Peregrine Falcon came flying along the bluffs from the east at eye-level.  As it got to the Watch site it quickly made a sharp left-hand turn and headed straight out over Lake Ontario.  It was flying directly towards the Niagara region.  Because of the cloud cover and lighting on the American side I was able to view this bird flying for quite a long time.  This is only the third time that I've seen a Peregrine attempt the crossing and twice I've had excellent lighting...I guess the bird too!  It would appear to me that they must focus on a distant landmark and keep it in sight all the way across.  They don't seem to stray very far off target.

Osprey - 2
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 9
American Kestrel - 1
Merlin - 1
Peregrine Falcon - 3
Total - 16

To Date:
Turkey Vulture - 1340
Osprey - 116
Bald Eagle - 95
Northern Harrier - 87
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1325
Cooper's Hawk - 31
Northern Goshawk - 0
Red-shouldered Hawk - 4
Broad-winged Hawk - 139
Red-tailed Hawk - 115
Rough-legged Hawk - 0
Golden Eagle - 0
American Kestrel - 463
Merlin - 49
Peregrine Falcon - 37
Total - 3801

Here are a couple of great photos courtesy of Helena...

local Red-tailed Hawk
One of the local Red-tailed Hawks put on a spectacular show for us this afternoon.  He flew from one side of the park to the other dive-bombing at unsuspecting squirrels.  Our newest friend and fellow hawk-watcher Helena sure got her eyes filled with the flying abilities and hunting skills of this large bird.  At one point it passed behind us just clearing the fence between us and the big Maple tree.  It also was kind enough to do some 'kiting' right above Helena so she could get some great photos of it.
Also, earlier in the day one of the Red Foxes decided to stroll right through the center of the park.  We never did see it return.  We added another 32 Monarchs to our count as well.
On-hand today were; Terry, Helena, Hugh, Manny, and Cori.  Thanks for your help!
Tomorrow's is looking 'Wet' but maybe clearing in the afternoon.  The strong SW wind may bring some Peregrines and Osprey our way.


Ann Brokelman said...

Stunning shot a Helena. Beautiful view of a beautiful bird.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful captures Helena!