Wind (current)

Five Minute Flurry...4 Raptors

We expected better today,but were able to enjoy a 5minute flurry at 10:45am when 4 raptors went through rapid fire. After a few drops of rain and alot of very dark cloud cleared out we had 4 raptors pass,that must have all came from the same general area. I looked up at just the right time and saw an Osprey. As Walter,Betty,Carol,Beryl and myself watched that a 2nd large bird came into view..a juvenile Bald Eagle. Soon a 3rd bird was seen before the other 2 made it out of sight...later from a photo we could ID it as a moulting Northern Harrier. Because of the very gray sky,there was no perspective,and we thought at first it was a larger bird higher up. Almost immediately we saw another juvenile Bald Eagle. While not award winning we did get photos of them.

Bald Eagle 1


Bald Eagle 2..Notice the similar way the wings are held in the Osprey and young Bald Eagle photos. Its abit odd to see this posture from a Bald Eagle.

Todays Total....4 raptors


2-Bald Eagles

1-Northern Harrier

Walter and I enjoyed an interesting morning too. We had many feeding Chimney Swifts flying around the park . A cloud of bugs hung over a large Poplar tree,which they really seemed to like. Additionally Walter and I saw what we believed was a Yellowlegs fly by,a Common Loon,a single Common Nighthawk and a surprise was a Whimbrel that popped up close to us from below the bluff and called as it flew to the east. This is the first time during fall migration that we have seen a Whimbrel pass the park. Also observed was what we believe were 2 female Indigo Buntings. We are now hopeful that Thursday could bring a good number of early raptors. Keep an eye on the winds.

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